Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oh, the laundry!

So, as you may have already read, I've been working on the 14 Week Challenge, over at A Bowl Full of Lemons. My kitchen is inching closer and closer to being finished, and I am ashamed to admit that the laundry room has kind of gone to the wayside. 

Today I jumped back in there and started to clean off the washer and dryer and I needed to do a load of laundry for Mr. Red. I am so behind on laundry, still. Would you mind sharing your routines for me in the comments below? I'm looking to implement a new routine so that my house stays nice and organized. 

Hit me up with those ideas, guys! I'm desperate!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for checking out my blog! Congrats on starting yours and accepting the organizing challenge!

    I have two kids and laundry is a constant around here. Everyone is different, some like to do a load a day but I'm not like that...I do a lot in 2 -3 days a week.

    Saturdays are sheets and towels day. We put new sheets on the bed and I was bath towels, kitchen towels, etc. If I change a towel during the week it just gets thrown into a laundry basket to wait until Saturday.

    Mondays are designated for clothes. It usually equals about 4-5 loads around here. It's a HUGE chore, but if I can get it done in a day, it makes me feel great.

    Fridays I do any odds and ends of laundry that need to get done (sometimes there isn't any that's pressing). This could be soccer uniforms/socks...things that the kids need for the weekend.

    Hope that helps!! Good luck!
